Ready to "dress up" your training sessions?

We originally created these to "dress up" our own training sessions. Everyone kept asking, "How can I get these?" Well, here you go! These are printed as posters. These are highly visual 24" x 36" posters. We think you are gonna love them!

Instructions to order are listed separately in the Letters area and in the Chart Posters area. 


DISC Letters

These are perfect for setting up in classes when you train. These letters come painted and sealed. They are a great visual as well as something your participants can interact with. 

We offer 4 different sizes today. The 16" (pictured with the top image in a class above) or 12" versions are great for in-person sessions. Note that the S and C 16" letters have curved bottoms, so Melissa has to glue a base to them so they will stand up. The 12" versions are squared bottoms like you see on the sample 8" and 4" pictures. 

The 8" version is a great option for visuals to display when conducting online sessions. The 4" version is great for a desk display or if you want to set them in front of participants. 

DISC Letter Pricing Guide

Please contact us DIRECTLY to order any of the letters. We will invoice you directly and then ship them to you.

NOTE: There is a separate shipping charge for the letters from the posters because we ship the letters to you directly. The posters are ordered separately as that is linked directly to the printer, which calculates their own shipping and tax.  All shipping prices listed are within the continental U.S.

16" Letter Set- $125 plus $15 shipping

12" Letter Set- $100 plus $15 shipping

8" Letter Set- $75 plus $10 shipping

4" Letter Set- $50 plus $10 shipping


The posters below are ordered and will be shipped directly from the printer. They will add their own shipping and tax to the order at checkout. Also, the posters are NOT laminated as they are coming directly from the printer. You will need to laminate them locally if desired (yes, we recommend it). These posters are 24"x 36", so they are significantly larger than the 22"x 28" poster board versions we used to provide. Creating these digitally and having them printed on posters allowed us to make them much more visually appealing than was possible with the old handmade charts.

As noted in the personalized graph poster descriptions, if you want to order those, please reach out to us BEFORE you place an order. We have to create your custom graphic with your chart before we can set it up to order. We will let you know when it is available in the store. THEN you can go to the store to select and complete your order. 

You can visit our store HERE

DISC Model Poster - $29.99

The perfect chart to use with just about any training. We use this everywhere we go and keep it hanging throughout. It provides a visual reference for your participants of the DISC Model overview. 

The 41 Style Blend Poster - $29.99

This is our most requested poster. The poster shows 16 different shades that get darker toward the outer rim to depict the increased intensity of the emotions as you move closer to the edge. If you want to show a visual team graph with your participants or just use it to explain more about the different blends, this chart is priceless. 

Personal Graph Poster - $29.99

We use oversized dots to show your plotting point on this graph so it is easily visible to all participants in the room. Many trainers use this chart completed with their own personal graph to demonstrate with throughout training. 

Before you order this poster, we will request a copy of your personal graph (or whoever you are using) so we know the plotting points to use to make this personalized chart, as well as how you want the name listed on the bottom. If you are ordering this one, we recommend you let us create this first before you place an order; then, we will make your custom poster available in our store for you to order. After you complete your order, we will remove it from the store since it is personalized. 

If you are considering using the Combo graph below this one, we recommend you also get a personal chart for each person to show them individually. 

Blank Graph Poster - $29.99


This is great for training. Where a personal chart has your graph on it (or one you choose to use), this one is left blank. 

We can send you a set of laminated dots that are not permanently on the graph so you can just tape them up and move around as desired. Note: You should DEFINITELY have this poster laminated if you want to do that to avoid tearing the poster.  It makes it great to use in a training session where people can just quickly tape their own graph on the large board. Or you, as the trainer using this online, can do it to show the audience. 

Combo Graph Poster - $29.99

When you are hosting training classes on interacting with others, such as "Interaction Dynamics" or even the Marriage series, the combo graph is perfect to show how two different people mesh together. 

When you order this poster, we will request a copy of both of the personal graphs of the people you want to use so we know the plotting points to use to make this personalized chart, as well as how you want the names listed on the bottom. After you complete your order, we will remove it from the store since it is personalized. 

If you are ordering this one, we recommend you let us create this first before you place an order; then, we will make your custom poster available in our store for you to order. 

"I went and bought the DISC letters and high-gloss paint yesterday thinking, "How hard could it be?" I came to an important conclusion. Melissa Rollins, you need to charge more for these!"

Jeanne Lynch-Schwass

"Guys, these letters are awesome! I get so many compliments on them. "

Jeanie Trevis Holzbacher

"I received mine and they are outstanding!"

Curtis J Kaufman

"I'll be using mine tomorrow. They're great!"

Ken Hartley

50% Complete

Two Step

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